
Worlds Thinnest Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard

Beeboard - the Thinnest Bluetooth Rechargeable Foldable Keyboard in the World.

I bought this primarily to use with my iPhone, since I've always had problems typing properly on the small on-screen keyboard. I just can't text as fast as I used to, partly because of arthritis in my hands. This keyboard has made things much easier, and I have no problem taking it with me and rolling it up into my bag. I've used it with an iPad too and it works perfectly as well. I suppose since it's compact, easy to set up, and a lifesaver for people like me. I highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for an easier way to type on their phone or tablet.

  • A full size bluetooth keyboard you can carry with you anywhere
  • Made of food grade Dow Corning Silicone, eco-friendly and waterproof
  • Proprietary force feedback technology delivers the best typing experience on a thin keyboard
  • Up to 30 days on a single charge
  • Works with iPad, iPhone, Android phones and tablets, Windows phones and tablets
  • $$$Free Golden Moth Barrel Container from Breaking Bad$$$
  • Leave your heavy laptop at home and do your work and emails on your tablet or phone when you travel

Here's hands on video. See, typing can be fun! (May not be avaliable on mobile)

The keyboard is currently on sale here (Amazon) for 39$ but now you can get it 25% off discount during this holiday. Here's how you get discount

1. Add this product to cart.
2. Proceed checkout.
3. Input claim code "3QPXXCVD" in "Gift cards & Promotional codes", then Click "apply".
4. Check out with new price.

 I'm sure you will love this product, try it with yourself. I hope you a good holiday!

10 Reasons Why Men Leave Their Marriages

Divorced men on Reddit shared the moment they realized their relationship didn't stand a chance. See some of the most interesting responses below.
1. When he got tired of her outbursts. 
"I had a car accident. Lost my job. I was still depressed about family member passing away. My wife decides she really wants a gold watch that costs $999. I tell her I can't afford to spend money on something like that in our current situation. She shuts herself in the bathroom to cry. That was the first time I didn't react to that tactics. She comes out few hours later and asks me outright if I want a divorce. That wasn't even on my mind until that point, but that was the moment I knew." 
2. When the trust was gone. 
"It was when I caught myself photographing street signs on my 25-minute journey home from work so that there would be a timestamp of the entire route to disprove constant accusations that I was cheating on her... After that, I just left." 
3. When his wife became a glorified roommate. 
"The last year together we felt more like roommates than lovers. She stopped being interested in spending time with me, we stopped showering together and began sleeping at opposite times. She was generally unhappy all of the time. I really wanted to salvage the marriage, but I knew it was over when she finally told me that she just didn't love me." 
4. When the math didn't add up. 
"Came home from a seven-month deployment overseas to find a five-month pregnant wife. I'm no mathematician but I figured that one out." 
5. When he was suffering from depression and she laughed it off.
"I was telling her about how depressed and hopeless I was feeling. I described it partially as an existential crisis. She laughed at me. She literally laughed in my face regarding my pain. That was the day I realized I didn't really matter to her."
6. When he realized she didn't believe in his dreams.
"Five years ago, I told her I wanted to get out of the military and study to become a doctor. She's a scientist but she acted like it was the most ridiculous thing I could ever try to do. Her exact words were, 'You can't just decide to be a doctor.' Imagine researching and thinking about something for an entire year and then telling your best friend your hopes and dreams and they just look at you like you're silly ... I started med school four weeks ago. I'm not bitter but she's going to be really f*cking surprised if she ever decides to do some Google stalking."
7. When he disagreed with her on how they'd raise their future children. 
"When my wife stated that any children we had would be homeschooled by her (she never graduated high school) and weren't going to get vaccinations. This was non-negotiable. I was young at the time and honestly, it never occurred to me until we had that discussion how much it meant to me. I (naively) figured it was a given." 
8. When he became indifferent to the cheating. 
"The precise moment was a few months ago when her long and frequent infidelities stopped making me furious. The anger switched off and I realized, it's finally over, thank God. I can now plan the end of this toxic marriage." 
9. When he decided to put his daughter first. 
"My second wife and I got along great, but over time the relationship she had with my daughter from a previous marriage got worse and worse. I tried not to blame her; she just wasn't ready to be a mom to someone else's child. It was hard to accept that, though. We tried counseling briefly but she felt counseling was for 'crazy people and she [wasn't] crazy.' Eventually, my daughter and I left. I hoped she would change her mind and decide to work things out with us, but it didn't happen. I had to do what was right for my daughter even if it hurt." 
10. When he had the commute from hell and she didn't care.
"I had to work late one dark winter night, missed my regular train, took a loooong busand had to walk home a couple of miles from the bus stop in the freezing cold. She couldn't be bothered to come pick me up because she didn't want to leave her yoga class early. It had been 20 years of bad stuff, but that was the night I decided it was over. She realized what she had done later, but it was too late then."

World's 25 Weirdest Drinking Customs

Every country has own drinking customs. No matter how many historical monuments you visit while traveling, or works of art you fawn over, you'll never understand the people and their culture until you drink with them. But, before you clink glasses with your new friends, you might want to take a minute and learn about their drinking customs. Just as every country's cuisine is different. 

What about your country? Let me know what you think in comment.

Sony's 4K Ultra Projector Will Totally Make You Jaw-drop

One of Sony's big reveals at CES 2014 was the 4K Ultra Short Throw Projector, which turns your wall into a 147-inch TV screen.
This week, Sony showed it off at IFA, a huge consumer tech show in Berlin, Germany.
There we found some good news and some bad news. The good: it will be available this month. The bad: It's an ultraluxury product that will cost upwards of $50,000 and is only available to people in the New York area. 

Great job Sony. Let me know what you think in comment. 

4 Tips To Change Negative Thinking

Right now there's an energy field or aura around you that others can feel. Without saying anything you can emit a sense of peace, calm and other positive feelings that can inspire, uplift and energize the people with whom you come in contact.
On the other hand, you can repel people by giving off negative vibes such as tension, anxiety and anger. People who do so are called energy vampires, says Dr. Judith Orloff, psychiatrist and author of a slew of books, including Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress and Fear into Vibrance, Strength and Love. "These are people who can suck you dry and make you tired and depressed and worn out and feel like you want to nap," she says.
By all means do not be that person. If you want to succeed in business and life, you should aim to be magnetic, likeable and someone others want to be around. In other words, you want to emit positive energy. Here's Orloff's advice on how to do it.

1. Change your thoughts.

If you are thinking negative thoughts, just stop. Intentionally focus on the positive things happening in your life. "Let's say you're turning into a victim. Like 'Poor me. Everybody's against me. Nobody at work appreciates me. I'm never going to get my raise.' You are working yourself up in a negative frenzy," she says. 'You have to stop yourself and (think) 'No, I'm not going there.'" Think of it this way: Modern conveniences alone have elevated your quality of life immeasurably compared with the billions of people who have lived and died on this planet over the course of history. You have countless things for which to be grateful.

2. Improve your mood.

Listen to good music. Seek out a good laugh. Have sex when you get the opportunity. Or, engage in what Orloff calls a "three-minute positive energy meditation." It involves shutting the door to distractions, relaxing and focusing on a beautiful power image such as a sunset or waterfall. "You just take three minutes to shift and visualize something very positive," she says.

3. Take care of your body.

Exercise, for one thing. It gets endorphins - which act like morphine in the body--flowing to trigger positive feelings. Eat fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Avoid sugar and diet soda. Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.

4. Treat others well.

Don't gossip. Look at how you can serve others, help your coworkers and add something positive to your environment. Orloff also suggests "surrendering comparisons," which involves ceasing to want what other people have. "Rather, focus on what you do have and if you admire somebody then learn from them," she says. "Envy and jealousy...create negative energy."

5 Simple Steps to Be Happy

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
Happy people realize happiness is a choice. They are not held hostage by their circumstances and they do not seek happiness in people or possessions. They understand that when we stop chasing the world’s definition of happiness, we begin to see the decision to experience happiness has been right in front of us all along. Research in the field of positive psychology continues to reinforce this understanding.
But simply knowing that happiness is a choice is not enough. Fully experiencing it still requires a conscience decision to do so each day. How then might each of us begin to experience this joy? So here are 5 simple steps to be happy.

1. Count your blessings. Happy people choose to focus on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative. They set their minds on specific reasons to be grateful. They express it when possible. And they quickly discover there is always, always, something to be grateful for.

2. Smile more often. A smile is a wonderful beautifier. But more than that, studies indicate that making an emotion-filled face carries influence over the feelings processed by the brain. Our facial expression can influence our brain in just the same way our brains influence our face. In other words, you can actually program yourself to experience happiness by choosing to smile. Not to mention, all the pretty smiles you’ll receive in return for flashing yours is also guaranteed to increase your happiness level.

3. Meditate. Find time alone in solitude. As our world increases in speed and noise, the ability to withdraw becomes even more essentialStudies confirm the importance and life-giving benefits of meditation. So take time to make time. And use meditation to search inward, connect spiritually, and improve your happiness today.

4. Treat others well. Everyone wants to be treated kindly. But more than that, deep down, we also want to treat others with the same respect that we would like given to us. Treat everyone you meet with kindness, patience, and grace.
5. Eat a healthy food. We are spiritual, emotional, and mental beings. We are also physical bodies. Our lives cannot be wholly separated into its parts. As a result, one aspect always influences the others. For example, our physical bodies will always have impact over our spiritual and emotional well-being. Therefore, caring for our physical well-being can have significant benefit for our emotional standing. One simple action to choose happiness today is to eat healthy foods. 

It's true: Lack of sleep will ruin your life. If you don't get enough shuteye, you'll be more likely to be irritable, your judgment gets impaired, and your libido suffers, all of which affect your overall happiness. Happy people might be no less busy than the rest of us, but they squeeze something else out of their lives if necessary. They give up television watching, Internet surfing, or simply worrying about things they can't affect--and they choose to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every day.

13 Ways To Be More Confident

Are you as confident as you'd like to be? Few people would answer "yes" to that question. But, according to Becky Blalock, author and former Fortune 500 executive, anyone can learn to be more confident. And it's a skill we can teach ourselves.
Begin by forgetting the notion that confidence, leadership, and public speaking are abilities people are born with. In fact, research shows that being shy and cautious is the natural human state. "That's how people in early times lived to pass on their genes, so it's in our gene pool," she says. "You had to be cautious to survive. But the things they needed to worry about then are not the things we need to worry about today."

1. Put your thoughts in their place.

The average human has 65,000 thoughts every day, Blalock says, and 85 to 90 percent of them are negative--things to worry about or fear. "They're warnings to yourself," Blalock says, and left over from our cave-dwelling past. It makes sense--if we stick our hand in a flame our brain wants to make sure we don't ever do that again. But this survival mechanism works against us because it causes us to focus on fears rather than hopes or dreams.
The point is to be aware that your brain works this way, and keep that negativity in proportion. "What you have to realize is your thoughts are just thoughts," Blalock says. They don't necessarily represent objective reality.

2. Begin at the end.

"There are so many people that I've asked, 'What do you want to do? What do you want to be?' and they would say, 'I don't know,'" Blalock says. "Knowing what you want is the key. Everything else you do should be leading you where you want to go."

3. Start with gratitude.

Begin the day by thinking about some of the things you have to be grateful for, Blalock advises. "Most of the 7 billion people in the world won't have the opportunities you do," she says. "If you start out with that perspective, you'll be in the right frame of mind for the rest of the day."

4. Take a daily step outside your comfort zone.

There's a funny thing about comfort zones. If we step outside them on a regular basis, they expand. If we stay within them, they shrink. Avoid getting trapped inside a shrinking comfort zone by pushing yourself to do things that are outside it.
We've all had experiences where we've done something that terrified us, and then discovered it wasn't so bad. In Blalock's case, she was visiting a military base and had gotten to the top of the parachute-training tower for a practice jump. "They had me all hooked up, and I said, 'I'm sorry, I can't do this, I have a small child at home,'" she recalls. "The guy took his foot and pushed me off the tower. When I got out there I realized it wasn't that bad."
We won't always have someone standing by to kick us out of our comfort zones, so we have to do it for ourselves. "Just act!" Blalock says.

5. Remember: Dogs don't chase parked cars.

If you're running into opposition, questions, and doubts, there's probably a good reason--you're going somewhere. That doesn't mean you should ignore warning signs, but it does mean you should put those negatives in perspective. If you don't make changes, and challenge the status quo, no one will ever object to anything you do.

6. Get ready to bounce back.

"It's not failure that destroys our confidence, it's not getting back up," Blalock says. "Once we get back up, we've learned what doesn't work and we can give it another try." Blalock points out that the baseball players with the biggest home run records also have the biggest strikeout records. Taking more swings gets you where you want to go.

7. Find a mentor.

Whatever you've set out to do, there are likely others who've done it first and can offer you useful advice or at least serve as role models. Find those people and learn as much from them as you can.

8. Choose your companions wisely.

"Your outlook--negative or positive--will be the average of the five people you spend the most time with," Blalock says. "So be careful who you hang out with. Make sure you're hanging out with people who encourage you and lift you up."
When she quit her C-suite job to write books, she adds, some people were aghast and predicted that no one would read them while others were quite encouraging. It didn't take her long to figure out that the encouraging friends were the ones she should gravitate toward.

9. Do your homework.

In almost any situation, preparation can help boost your confidence. Have to give a speech? Practice it several times, record yourself, and listen. Meeting people for the first time? Check them and their organizations out on the Web, and check their social media profiles as well. "If you're prepared you will be more confident," Blalock says. "The Internet makes it so easy."

10. Get plenty of rest and exercise.

There's ample evidence by now that getting enough sleep, exercise, and good nutrition profoundly affects both your mood and your effectiveness. "Just moderate exercise three times a week for 20 minutes does so much for the hippocampus and is more effective than anything else for warding off Alzheimer's and depression," Blalock says. "Yet it always falls of the list when we're prioritizing. While there are many things we can delegate, exercise isn't one of them. If there were a way to do that, I would have figured it out by now."

11. Breathe!

"This one is so simple," Blalock says. "If you breathe heavily, it saturates your brain with oxygen and makes you more awake and aware. It's very important in a tense situation because it will make you realize that you control your body, and not your unconscious mind. If you're not practicing breathing, you should be."

12. Be willing to fake it.

No, you shouldn't pretend to have qualifications or experience that you don't. But if you have most of the skills you need and can likely figure out the rest, don't hang back. One company did a study to discover why fewer of its female employees were getting promotions than men. It turned out not to be so much a matter of bias as of confidence: If a man had about half the qualifications for a posted job he'd be likely to apply for it, while a woman would be likelier to wait till she had most or all of them. Don't hold yourself back by assuming you need to have vast experience for a job or a piece of business before you go after it.

13. Don't forget to ask for help.

"Don't assume people know what you want," Blalock says. "You have to figure out what that is, and then educate them."
Once people know what you want, and that you want their help, you may be surprised at how forthcoming they are. "People are really flattered when you ask for advice and support," she says. "If someone says no you can always ask someone else. But in my experience, they rarely say no."
How do you teach yourself to be more confident? Here's Blalock's advice: